We hear you! Let's just start by telling you that everyone involved with the Swansea Common Law Group was a doubter once....that was until they were faced with the legal facts and the associated proof. Some of those facts were incredulous to those who hadn't researched it for themselves, and each and every one of our 'friends' took time to come to terms with the lies, the deceit and the fraud perpetrated by corporations including local government - yes, your Council and the associated judiciary system. Don't believe us do you? Neither did we at first. Sometimes, we still question ourselves as we uncover more and more unlawful deceit aimed at the general public.
If the recent antics of Government hasn't convinced you that they are liars, hypocrites and basically common criminals seeking to bankrupt the country, and you genuinely believe it is mere ineptness of the politicians in charge, then we'll book you an appointment with Specsavers, followed by an appointment with the men in the white coats. When a politician like Jacinda Arden states, "we are the single source of truth", introduces mandatory vaccine inoculations, only to then discover that she not only didn't take the 'safe & effective vaccine' herself, but she exempt 11,000 executives and politicians from taking the jabs, you understand how corrupt this system is, worldwide. This of course is just one small example of government corruption, but it extends right down to local level, and it affects you in ways you have never considered or known.

It is factually true that you are guilty of funding terrorism under the Terrorism Act 2000, and if the government wanted to exercise their rights under such legislation then you could be imprisoned for up to 14 years! There is currently no legislation that exonerates you! Of course, we know they won't do that because they want your money, but do you want to live under such a threat? What's more is the fact that you are funding the killing of innocent people in Ukraine and Gaza. Don't believe us? We can show you the audit trail.
At Swansea Common Law Group it's our aim to help protect you and your assets, and your property, and keep it well away from the thieving bastard corporations, whether it's local authorities, enforcement officers/companies or parking companies, all of which are operating outside the law...ie they are 'outlaws' in every sense of the word. Yes, they claim they are protected by certain statutes, legislation and regulations, but guess what? These very corporations either try to hide their legal status or they intentionally ignore those laws and legislations which prevents them from carrying out their unlawful actions. We are here to help protect you and ensure that you aren't getting ripped off.
When it is discovered that the judicial system is also 'in on the corruption' it makes the challenge against corporations so much more difficult, but it's not impossible. Still not convinced? As I stated at the beginning of this post, "we too were doubters" but facts are facts, law is law, and the clever use of legal tricky which has been intentionally hidden from you, has launched you into a never-ending cycle from which you will not escape, unless you take the journey to discover the 'real truth' - not the Arden, Starmer or any other politician's version. Oh and by the way, main stream media are also in on the corrupt scams! We'll prove it!

Over the course of the next few months 'friends' of Swansea Common Law Group will add to this blog to help you, the readers, understand why and how your assets are being stolen right under your noses, and not only that, but you are consenting to them doing it, even paying them to do it, and you are funding their fat pensions whilst they laugh at you because you are so very compliant!
To fast track your learning, you too can become a friend of Swansea Common Law Group and attend our live workshops, presentations and discussions. You can become a Friend of Swansea Common Law group here