Operating in Secrecy
Operating in Secrecy

It seems to me that for many years we, the public, have been missing the most obvious scam perpetrated against us by the local authority, and the opportunity to address this issue.

Our research has already uncovered the fact that, in truth and against their statement on their websites, Local Authorities aren't merely 'statutory bodies' as they claim, but they are legal 'corporations' which must operate under 'commercial law' and that they have DUNS registered corporation numbers. This cannot be rebutted and we have the evidence, especially for our local authority in this part of the world.

We also know, that our Council Tax 'demands' issued by the Council, probably the only so called important documentary correspondence we have with our Council each year, are addressed to our legal fiction persona by way of Title Name in Capital Letters i.e MR JOHN F. SMITH intentionally used to try and contract with us 'commercially' ie in commerce.

The use of our legal fiction persona ie used to trick us into engagement into their commercial jurisdiction was never previously advised to us nor our parents when it was first established at our birth. This by inference means that the local authority, as a public body and commercial corporation are intentionally 'operating in secrecy', without your consent and knowledge. We know the local authority tries, unsuccessfully, to rebut this position and tries to pull the wool over the public's eyes, but everything points to the fact that it is entirely true as they cannot prove an obligation for a living man in a domestic property to pay Council Tax despite being challenged repeatedly, and that they revert to the standard argument of LGFA 1992 which refers to 'commercial terms' and commercial jurisdiction and not that of living man/woman.

Of course when it comes to commercial law, almost everything within commercial law is governed by Contract law and every corporation will operate under Contract law - or should!

So let's examine the fact that the local authority is 'operating in secrecy' - the ramifications of which are considerable. The local authority's activities merely by way of issuing the 'Council Tax demands' in the form that they do means that they are open to, and not limited to, the following:


The Local Authority's deception stems from the fact that they have intentionally failed to disclose information regarding your 'legal status' and indeed have even tried, unsuccessfully in many cases, to cover up their misdeeds by way of publishing statements on their websites which they know to be untrue.

Fraud in Contract

This is a debatable issue in so much as if you , the public are challenging the validity of the existence of a Contract then goes without saying that one cannot commit fraud in contract where there is no contract. If the Local Authority is adamant that a contract exists with the legal fiction persona then there is a very real breach of contract as intentional misrepresentation has been used to trick the living man into commercial jurisdiction.

Failure to Disclose

This is a pretty clear cut case of failure to disclose and under contract law one has the right to seek Full Disclosure. There are of course many more examples whereby Failure to Disclose is evident throughout the entire Council Tax collection system, especially when it comes to the paper-trail versus the legal and lawful process which should be adopted.


Again this is especially prevalent when it comes to the process and paperwork as the Local Authorities produce their own Summons' and not the Court, hold their own hearings only to get a summary list signed off by a Magistrate, which is all wholly unlawful and constitutes misrepresentation.


Non-Disclosure constitutes the withholding of crucial information that could affect the decision-making process of the other party. I think it's pretty crucial to know that you have been tricked into commercial jurisdiction and that you are actually permitted to live as living man under common and constitutional law.


Much of these examples are based around the fact that people in public office intentionally withhold crucial information, or knowingly and intentionally make misleading statements, or conceal information they know to be crucial to the outcome of the issue, and thus can result in financial harm to the individual.


The very nature that an institution is claiming one owes something when they are knowingly aware that the whole process is a lie and deception and the fact that 'that something' causes financial harm or loss is tantamount to embezzlement by a government body.

Data Protection Breach

Suffice to say one can, and will, write a separate blog on this topic as its own subject such is the magnitude of the Data protection breaches throughout the entire Council Tax process. Local Authorities have hidden behind bullshit misrepresentation for years and only now its coming to the forefront of the challenges towards Councils, and Debt Collection Agencies.

The entirety of the above is what we have been missing since we first received our first Council Tax demand. When your legal fiction persona was created no-one divulged this to your parents and no-one divulged such to you, the legal fiction persona with whom they are trying engage commercially. No only that but they failed to seek your consent to engage in commerce preferring to merely trick you into commercial jurisdiction. These failures to advise your parents and subsequently you means that the Government was/is intentionally operating in secrecy. According to Contract law and the Fraud Act 2006 this constitutes 'fraudulent concealment' which is a criminal offence.

The above doesn't leave the Local Authority with much room to move as if one continues to reject their use of the legal fiction persona and insist on the fact that you are an inhabitant living in a domestic property and that they have no evidence of an obligation for such to pay Council Tax then they are in a Catch 22 position. Their only course of action is therefore to lie and exacerbate the issues levied against them.

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