I guess this is a follow on to the first blog post last month, whereby I explained to Doubters that we, the friends of Swansea Common Law Group, all shared the same view as they now hold in that what we are stating is nonsense. But it goes a little beyond this element now....and it is worth recording it in a short blog.
As someone who is an admin on in excess of 50 Facebook pages alone, I'm pretty active on social media, and not just FaceAche. Also, I believe that it's important, if not my duty, to point out inaccuracies in areas of interest, and particularly in relation to the corruption which abounds at corporation level.
With the increase in parking restrictions and the increased issuing of PCNs and the growing unrest regarding Council Tax, both of which are fraudulent, I'm pretty vocal about these subjects. Posting my 'helpful comment' to many forums I am often faced with ignorant sheeple who insult, hurl abuse and criticism at me without an ounce of legislative evidence nor any real counter-argument other than "You're taking out of your arse!" I face it every time I post a reply to a concerned victim of the scams and each time I receive the same abuse. But, being thick skinned and a little ignorant myself, (I still have lots to learn), the insults bounce off and I continue to try to educate the obviously ignorant. There is one trait however that I have observed in all the tirades hurled at me and that is 'None of these critics have undertaken a single ounce of research for themselves and are not only ignorant of the facts but they believe they are right, and are supportive of the very corporations which are duping them.' So, in this short blog post to Our Critics & Doubters our message is this "UNTIL YOU HAVE DONE THE RESEARCH, AND PROVIDED LEGISLATIVE EVIDENCE WHICH WHOLLY REFUTES OUR CASE(S), THEN SHUT THE F**K UP!"

For those critics and doubters who will run to Google for the proof, 'forget it' Google doesn't have the truth either! And for those of you who still think that the Local Government Finance Act 1992 which the Council so often throw at you as their evidence that they have the authority to collect Council Tax from you, then you'd better examine the Act more closely...as the Council is part of the 'commercial scam' perpetrated upon the public....you won't find your 'governmental supportive evidence' in the LGFA 1992...you'll just end up getting deeper in to and falling for the 'corporative deceit.'
It is a problem trying to educate the disbeliever.
Take the Covid scam, how many believed so called experts and media only to find that they were wrong.
How many owned up and agreed they were wrong, not many