
Within these pages you will find information about a number of the more popular topics and important resources which are available for you to use. These resources are either taken from completed cases, thereby are now part of law, or the recommendations of legal professionals and have been tried and tested. We will not post anything on here without first ensuring that it has been checked by legal professionals for accuracy.

Common Law

What exactly IS Common Law? We are here to unwrap with mystery surrounding what Common Law is and how it affects you, the living man/woman.

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Your Local Authority

We have always been led to believe everything that the Local Authority tells us. It's natural as we have been raised and conditioned to trust those in authority. How well do you know your local authority? You'll be surprised with the answers!

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Council Tax

Council Tax is fraudulent. Fact. Regardless of what you are told, what the local authority tells you, the tax is fraudulent. We'll prove why, how, and what you can do about it!

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Car Parking &
Clean Air Zones

Car Parking and Clean Air Zones have become the bane of most driver's lives.  Did you know that most car parking tickets and clean air zone fines can be challenged? We'll show you how.

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Protecting Your

It's all very well challenging the Local Authority regrading Council Tax or parking fines etc but how does one protect ones assets from the bogey man?

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Bailiffs & Enforcement Agents

It's all too frequent for the Local Authorities or car parking companies to 'sent the boys around' to intimidate the public into paying what amounts to be a fraudulent fictional debt. We'll tell you what to do in those circumstances.

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