Sell Not Tell


When it comes to engaging with the public regarding the injustices of local government and corporations who wish to trip you off for even more money, it's important not to preach to them, by 'telling' them, what the don't know. Instead the idea that they have been ripped off or are being taken advantage of by a corrupt government or corporation, has to be 'sold' to them.  The only way this will occur is if you 'get them thinking for themselves'. No matter how much you 'tell' them, they will often go into denial and avoid confrontation. But this discussion isn't 'confrontation' if you know how best to discuss the topic and sell it to them. 

For example:

Me: "Hey Jack, You know I really thought that our Council Tax money went directly to the Council's bank account - didn't you?"

Jack: " Yeah it does. It says so on the Council website..."

Me: "Yeah that's what I thought until I did a bit of digging. Look at this.........[evidence to the contrary]"

Jack: "It must be a mistake" 

Me: "I thought that too so I got a friend to do the same on her Council Tax account with her Local Authority, and look what came up! .....[Evidence to the contrary]"  

Me: "Do you think that the Local Authority is lying to us?"

Me: "What if the Local Authority has been lying to us all this time?"

Jack: "They wouldn't do that, they'd never get away with it!"

Me "Yeah, like the politicians all tell us the truth don't they!?" 

Me: "Take a look at this...........[more evidence]

Jack: "Bloody hell, you mean I have been paying Council Tax for all this time and I'm not even liable?"

Me: "Well, it certainly looks that way!"

The reality of the matter is that people have to be led down a path to open their eyes and bring the reality home to them. When enough doubt  is sown in their minds they will start to think more critically about what is coming out of the local government and from corporations who are seeking to rip them off. But the concept of 'wrong doing' has to be sold to them, and not told to them. You have to provide the evidence, otherwise they dismiss it out of hand. Have the evidence to hand on your phone or some such device and prove your case.

A Final Thought

"The truly ignorant are precisely the ones who, when arguing with you, demand that you back up your opinions and sources and citations from lengthy peer reviewed papers etc, while they get theirs from the 6 o'clock news and the tabloid press!"